Wednesday 18 August 2010

News -Twitter Button Fail, Iconthursdays, and a Mobile version of this Website

Twitter introduced their own 'official twitter' button.  Exciting.  Could I get it to work on here?  Nope.  It would appear on the page just fine, worked ok on Internet Explorer, but wouldn't do anything on Safari, Chrome or Firefox.  Surely the only time that something's worked on a Microsoft product but nowhere else.  (Shut up at the back with your Flash enabled smart phone.)  Back to the old tweet button then.  The new button seems to work fine on other websites, maybe it's a Blogger thing, but I know my Internet Explorer hating demographic, so it had to go.  Nevermind.

There's a new facebook share button (look, just next to the tweet button), which has actually been around forever but I'd never bothered using it as I had the 'like' button at the end of posts.  However it struck me that the 'like' button didn't actually do a great deal, it certainly didn't put the link up on the facebook news feed so although it's nice to get a 'like' on a post it doesn't really help to drive traffic like the tweet button does.  The share button might though, we'll see.

Iconthursday may be changing for good.  From Monday you'll have a chance to vote for change on AT's site.  Two weeks back I ran it as a straight vote and I wondered whether people preferred that or whether me making the decision made the whole thing more fun.  I guess I'm about to find out.  Iconthursday will run as usual for the next two weeks, with any potential change taking place on the 2nd September.

Here's my cool discovery of the week.
Click on pic to go to website. allows you to read your twitter feed as a newspaper and I have, surprisingly, found it quite useful.  I thought it was probably a bit of geekery that I'd look at once and never use again.  However, it's updated once a day and seems to capture the things that are actually interesting that the people I follow have put up on da twitter.  I'd have probably missed @RickHarwood's link to The Inbetweeners teaser if I'd not had it.  It might drift off my radar but it's a clever website that works really nicely and I'm all for supporting a cool idea.

Finally, there's a new version of the mobile site, which although a lot less flash than the old iPhone one, should work on all phones.  It's basically just the Google Reader RSS feed but it seems like a more obvious choice until Google sort out a proper mobile version of Blogger web addresses as a default.  Bookmark it on your phone etc.

Keep an eye out tomorrow at 10am if you have an iPhone... just sayin'.

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