Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Platform Nation post.

If there's one thing I can do while holed up at home with an aching side it's write.  So yesterday I dusted off the keyboard and wrote for Platform Nation.

You can find my piece here. Platform Nation

I'd almost forgotten how much I enjoyed the buzz of getting a piece published but will endeavour to get more writing done over the next few weeks.

For those of you that game and tweet you can follow the website on twitter @Platform_Nation, I'm fairly certain they won't object to the plug.

The piece that was published yesterday is very much a Ledger related article about Pro Evo 2010 and FIFA10 which both Konami and EA are both starting to ramp up the hype about.  These games are such a big deal for football fans that game... anyway I'll let you read the post.

Also some nice new features on Platform that show my name above the post as a link back to here, which is definitely an incentive to write more.  Not that I'm a hit whore but in case you hadn't noticed Diary went past 3000 hits yesterday.  Thanks to all for your support.
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