Sunday 28 March 2010

We Proved The Giant Wrong

I never expected to get the kind of reaction I did to #wemustprovethegiantwrong.  Friends on twitter and facebook came together to blow The Giant's preconceptions out of the water.  He said to me that he found the experience very humbling, people made such a huge effort to let him know (once they'd got over the size of the man mountain) how much they loved social media.

Eight twitter friends wrote blog posts;

Butterflygrrrl. (Older post but LJ but very relevant.)

Thank you all for your wonderful posts.

We got a podcast from NessaLouise.

We got art from maverick99sback.

Twitter, as ever, never fails to amaze me.  I refer you to the favourites on my twitter page for the tweets that folks sent throughout the day.  The Giant had never seen an @ reply column before.  Never felt that buzz of interaction that people get as they get direct responses to their words and actions in real time via twitter.  Thanks to all of you that tweeted and made us laugh yesterday afternoon.

Facebook too played it's part.  Special thanks to AT, Mike, Toby, Louise and Fiona for their posts on my wall, their own walls, my inbox and on the Diary of a Ledger page.

What does it all mean to me and where does it leave us?

Everyone already knows how much I love twitter.  It gives me a sense of community, broadens my horizons, opens doors for me and I have met people there that I now call true friends.

It is not a website, it is a place.  When it's at its very best you forget that your sat at your computer or on your mobile and just live the moment.  Whether that's something like yesterday, or just sat watching the banter between @debsa and @WH1SKS.

Facebook can have it's moments.  When all four Ledgers are commenting on a status update the banter can still make me laugh out loud but it is a cluttered mess these days.  Strip it back to basics and it becomes twitter for you and your real life mates but it does little to promote the one thing that it's sold as.  A social networking site.

The Giant will, I think, get a twitter account.  So that's a big win for us.  The bigger win for me was that he wanted a lesson in Social Media and we gave him one brilliantly.  He can take what he learnt away with him and start thinking about how he can build that in to his business.

For the record he loved the YouTube vid.

Thank you to everyone that took part yesterday.

Special thanks to AT and The Giant who between them made my birthday weekend.  Thanks guys.


  1. The banter between me n Rich is usually:

    Him: blah, blah, sweary word for lady bits
    Me: homo


  2. Glad to be a part of it. :D
    Let us know so we can follow Giant @twitter.
