Take a fucking chill pill readers. Deep breaths yeah, sit down, relax. Smoke something illegal if that's your thing. We've had two good days in a row. I'm not even lying.
It's been a while since I could say that, maybe five months, def not since Tweetathon, although I did read that book a while back that made my head spin round, which was fuck awesome. But other than that 2011 has been a bit, well a bit shit.
It's only been two days of not feeling like a mentalist but it's a start right? Right?! I even laughed a lot the other night when AT came over and he's not even that funny.*
Last night I went and wrote this on AT's site about a band called Explosions in the Sky and here's my fave song of theirs called A Song for Our Fathers. It's proper beautiful. Turn it up loud on headphones and just fucking drown in it.
*A joke AT.
I love EitS. Even their album names are awesome.