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The 5K moment. |
Apologies in advance, this is probably going to be a very long post. There are lots of cool things to share with you though.
It's a Friday, everyone I mention in this post deserves a follow. (On Twitter, not in a stalker way.)
@DavieLegend with the Tweetathon song which he put this up on Day 1. Cheers buddy.
On the Monday evening, after around 11 hours of tweeting I got my first surprise. @KyeLani travelled down to Southampton from Watford and turned up with @maverick99sback and they both stayed for the duration of Tweetathon, Sarah (@KyeLani) only snatching two hours sleep the whole time she was here. You're both two of my best friends, I can't tell you how grateful I am.
They weren't the only ones to come over though, we also had @Rickharwood visit, @Girl_In_A_Box and the crew that were there for the end @debsa, @spallerina, @RoOkin, @WH1SKS, @tbag1402, @starstruk70 and @Captainfishy78.
@mike_cheese and Annie came over and cooked me dinner on one of the days. Honestly I can't remember if that was Tuesday or Wednesday, but it was lovely, thank you guys.
@theflash81 dropped over a coffee machine, cheers mate, that coffee was interesting!
There was also @SisterLedge, my sister, who came over for the final stretch. It was her kids that I did this for and I was so proud that she was there for those final 12 hours to see the whole thing unfold.
Obviously not everyone could just drop everything and turn up at my front door but there were others that did amazing things to help promote what I was doing.
Shelly (@twosoups) got me mentioned twice on The Wright Stuff on Channel 5, got the Guardian article sorted and via her friend @PlankPR arranged for Lisa Faulkner to leave a personal video message for me. Shelly was a huge support through out, posting Audioboos, phoning me and nagging celebs for RTs. Thank you mate and please give your OH a manly hug from me for all his efforts.
@Mixmasterfestus and the @littlestormys got involved. Cheers fellas.
There were many many people that posted up Audioboos for me. Here's a selection of some of my favourites.
The early hours of Wednesday morning were tough. Two people went above and beyond to get me through it. @tipyourhat (see above Boo) rang me on his breaks whilst working his night shift to help keep me going while his lovely wife @BekkiMeehan listened in on the feed. It was surreal but brilliant and I'm so grateful for those calls.
By 4:30am @KyeLani and I were fading when suddenly out of nowhere @specialdelia tweeted me with this.
We sat there transfixed Delia. Thank you so much.
There were four artists that got involved throughout the final day. @LordOtter offered one of his fantastic drawings up but one lucky tweeter that I chose will be getting that in the post. @OctoberJones agreed to offer an avatar picture for sale at a minimum of £50 but in the end we got £100 donation for it. Thank you both for getting involved. @irkafrika turned one of my tweets into a picture and you can buy the postcard here with all profits coming back into the Tweetathon pot.
Finally massive thanks to my good friend @McLeveyArtist who put one of his fantastic pieces on Ebay and donated all the cash from the sale. It raised a whopping £132. Cheers Adam and massive thanks to @Jeninher30s too.
Every time I passed another grand @fionaflaherty produced a comic from the screen shots she'd taken from the web-cam. For the first time, here they are in their entirety.
Thanks Fi. I love them.
She also posted this...
She also posted this...
Thanks to Poppy for renaming me so brilliantly. 8-/
@CwtchyKate put all the tips received from her place of work up for Tweetathon.
She also posted an Audioboo from her and @BahBahBrabSheep's son.
Thanks guys. I hope he got to hear me listening to it.
Many of you tweeted celebs constantly, far too many of you to thank you all. But I would like to mention @Sean_Boon, @D_Forbes (who also sent me a Tweetathon T Shirt), @dumbwitness and @DarrenWHU who were tireless in their efforts.
Big thanks to Louise Foley from the NAS on the Island for getting so much local publicity including Radio Solent who let me on three times to promote the event.
@GavinBrightman produced a much neater looking tiny URL for the Just Giving Page which I used for all of day three. Cheers buddy.
@TeenyBella offered to make Beaker a very happy boy if we broke 3K, I'm assured he slept soundly.
@Comedyfish promised to get dressed up in one of his wife's dresses if we beat the 5K. He stuck to his word too.
I get the feeling he loved doing it. Cheers Andy.
@FypieFi sent me a bunch of goodies from Tesco. Fi those beers were like nectar from the Gods on Wednesday night. Thank you so much.
Thanks again to @LucyBaxter for those inspiring tweets.
As we drew to a close @twosoups posted this Audioboo and hush descended in Ledger Towers.
It was a lovely way to send us all off to sleep and a great way to draw things to a close.
Thanks to @Estella_Tres who had such a tough week on the Island and put up with me being almost un-contactable.
Finally, thank you once more for every reply, every retweet and most importantly every donation. Without you all it would have been pretty rubbish.
Over five thousand was a dream a week ago. You made it come true. Thank you all so very much.
Same time next year yeah?
Gray x
If anyone did anything that I missed because of the huge volume of tweets I was getting please let me know and I'll make sure they get added to this post.
Same time next year... with bells on ;o) x