Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Amazon Associates

Ok so I have some news about Diary of a Ledger.

I've set the Blog up as an Amazon Associate which means that whilst there's still no direct advertising on here when I review something there will be a link to Amazon.  Should you be so tempted by my review that you click on the link and purchase from Amazon I will make a teeny tiny bit of cash.  I'm under no illusions that I will make serious money but it seems like a sensible step as I intend to try and review more music and games this year, hopefully once a week.  When ever I do it I will label the post with an Amazon tag so that you're all aware.

I hope that everyone is ok with that but let me know if you think I shouldn't do it.

Tomorrow is Icon Post Day.  Be nice to be back after my hiatus.

Hope everyone is coping ok with the mental weather, sort of ace to have so much snow though eh?

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